“Dr. Horn,
I want to thank you for your wonderful presentation the other day. Your information and your delivery were spectacular. Frankly, I wish I had had a recorder on hand, as it’s difficult to remember all you said… I just wanted to thank you for your dedication and enthusiasm with regard to addressing brain disease. Incredible information.”

Mary F.

Improving How We Communicate

Blurred text with a focus on communication

This month, we begin a three part series on improving our ability to communicate with one another. When it comes to effective communication, most experts agree that the key is to be clear and concise. It is important to mean what you say and say what you mean. This concept seems simply enough, so why do most people struggle with this?

self-esteem word cloud on a digital tablet with cup of coffee

The ability to communicate, even on the most basic of levels, is impacted by how we feel about ourselves. If we are upset or scared or feeling insecure, clear & concise communications will be a challenge. One must have a healthy level of self-esteem in order to communicate effectively.




close up of a hand written message on a popsicle stick as a self esteem building concept

At Rimrock, we help our clients identify which of their core beliefs they need to address in order to improve their self-esteem. One of these core beliefs is that everyone is entitled to his or her basic human rights. If we actively practice this belief, the result will be an improved level of self-esteem, which in turn will allow us to communicate more effectively and have a better understanding of those we come in contact with.


The following is a list of what we believe are the inherent rights of all human beings:

The right to be yourself.
The right to spontaneously and honestly express your feelings, thoughts and opinions, and exercise your own rights without denying the rights of others.
The right to maintain your dignity by being properly assertive – even if it hurts someone else – as long as your motive is assertive and not aggressive.
You are important , yellow note paper , isolated , 3d render
The right to make requests of another person as long as you realize that other person has the right to say no.
The right to judge your own behavior, thoughts and emotions, and to take responsibility for their initiation and consequences upon yourself.
The right to offer no reasons or justifications for you behavior.
The right to change your mind.
The right to make mistakes and take responsibility for them.
The right to say, “I don’t know” or “I don’t understand.”
The right to make decisions for yourself whether logical or illogical.
The right to defend yourself, to keep people from taking what is yours, to stand up for your rights.

love yourself

The following are rights specific to more intimate interpersonal relationships:

The right to grow.
The right to love, be loved, and be accepted as a person in spite of “unacceptable behavior.”
The right to privacy.
The right to be trusted.
The right to be respected as long as you respect others.
The right to your own self-defined happiness.



These are your basic human rights, you have always had them, now it is your job to believe in them. So, starting today begin the practice of exercising more of your rights, even if it is only a little each day. You will be amazed at how it will help you communicate more effectively. Remember, however, it is also your job to allow others to exercise their human rights as well.

If you need additional help either exercising your rights or communicating with others, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help you in this process.

Next month, our blog will focus on the role listening plays in effective communication.

Hand with chalk is writing the concept of You are important on the blackboard.

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