“I cherish the life I live today. Very grateful for the jump start in recovery that Rimrock was able to provide for me.”

Charles A.

Tag: Family


Hooked at Birth

Young mothers using drugs and alcohol while pregnant ultimately put themselves and their unborn child at risk. This is especially critical when the infant is born, as they will undergo very painful withdrawal. Rimrock helps mothers and their children of all ages who suffer with addiction. Click here for the full story.

Tips on Identifying Symptoms of Relapse

When the urges for stinking thinking begin, relapse is not far behind. Here are some internal and external warning signs which can begin the relapse cycle. Keep in mind that relapse happens long before the first drink, use, or bet. Internal signs, when neglected can lead to dysfunction Mind: • Difficulty in thinking clearly • – more…

Tips for Family Members of an Alcoholic or Addict

The Importance of Self-Care Your family member has struggled with addiction in a variety of ways. There have been many times where you worried, were the caretaker, or watched them spiral out of control. They then sought treatment, and have returned to their homes. They now have the tools and the resources to help them – more…

Handling Conflict

The Holidays are underway, and the weather is getting colder. With the hustle and bustle of the season, it may feel like there are moments of “tense” times in your home. Everyone is feeling it. Your kids are anxious to be done with school, Santa is watching their every move, and the decorations are reminding – more…

What is Rimrock up to?

We have so many great things happening here at Rimrock. We are excited to show you what we’ve been up to! This month, we are happy to announce that our ICT program is up and running. Integrated Co-Occurring Treatment (ICT) is an intense home and community based treatment model used to treat youth with co-occurring – more…

The Holidays are coming!!! Are you ready?

It is that time of year again. Thanksgiving. The kids have time off of school, the relatives are coming and Aunt Sue is bringing a jello mold. You still have to plan your meal, figure out how to make the perfectly massive, moist-and-not-too-cooked bird for all your family members to gather around and be thankful – more…